Real estate investment news you can use!

July 2024


Hello CAREIA Family! 

Inertia. It keeps you from moving, or it keeps you from stopping.

Whether you’re trapped in analysis paralysis or stuck in a rut, inertia can keep you on the same path. An interruption is often what we need to get rolling or redirect us toward a better outcome. Joining a local network of real estate investors has helped me make changes that gradually alter my path. When I’m stuck, spending time with people doing what I aim to accomplish reminds me it’s possible! It kickstarts me again. I always leave challenged by a fellow investor, lender, agent, or other professional to think just a little bit differently. You’d be surprised at the power of the “what if?” another person can spark inside you!

Community. A force that can carry you along the current whether you’ve started moving or not.

People have many reasons for investing in real estate. Maybe you have been investing for decades; maybe you’re looking for a way to escape the rat race; or maybe your passion is gone, and you need a jolt of energy! I came to a real estate investing community with a personal finance bias and a fascination with building lean, life-giving businesses. I think in systems. I often think in too much detail or paralyze myself when I can’t immediately answer my own curiosities. I need community support to help me see beyond my immediate concerns and keep moving forward. Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals can be the catalyst that propels you forward. The shared knowledge, the collective experience, and the mutual encouragement create an environment where you can thrive.

Resonance. A visceral sense of understanding and belonging.

Every time I meet a new or prospective investor at one of our networking meetings, I notice them relax as they realize they’ve come to the right place. The people here speak their language. We relate to their “why.” And we don’t think they’re crazy. We resonate. Much like the sensation of sitting down to coffee with an old friend, you don’t have to explain yourself. Instead, you can often begin with the assumption that your basic values are shared here. My world outside the real estate investing community does not resonate with my drive or with the day-in and day-out issues I deal with. I hold my breath for my opportunity to look someone in the eye who truly understands and shares my journey. I sit down with my tribe.

So I encourage you to act…

Joining the CAREIA community isn’t just about business; it’s about building relationships that resonate on a deeper level. It’s about finding a group of people who understand your journey, share your ambitions, and support your growth. So, if you’re feeling stuck or searching for that spark to reignite your passion, consider becoming part of CAREIA if you are not currently a member or actively engaging in the community if you are a member. The inertia that once held you back can be transformed into momentum, and the community that surrounds you can become your greatest asset. 

Jillyan MacMorris

Chicago Area Real Estate Investors Association - Programming

Upcoming Events
Board of Directors

CAREIA Monthly General Meeting

Monday, July 8, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
Networking starts at 6:45 p.m.
Hyatt of Lisle • 1400 Corporetum Drive, Lisle

Topic: LTRs and STRs and MTRs, Oh My!

Key Note Speaker:  Panel

A Member's & Non-Member's Event

Come ask our panel of long-term, short-term, and mid-term rental operators your nitty gritty questions! And decide which strategy to use in your first or next investment.  Panelist:  Rob Hayes, Steven Bell, Jillyan MacMorris.  Moderator:  Danny Galvez

Whether you own 200 units or have no real estate experience, anyone who has an interest in real estate investing is invited to attend our General Meeting. Each month a different speaker will share information on topics relating to the many aspects of investing in real estate and being a landlord. Our General Meetings provide a great opportunity to network with experienced real estate investors from all over the Chicago land area. We also have an extensive real estate library for our members to use. The General Meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month.

Want to learn more about CAREIA & Real Estate Investing? Follow us on Facebook (

Real Estate Networking Night

Monday, July 22, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. 

Portillo's Hot Dogs, 235 E. North Avenue, Glendale Heights, IL 60139

FREE Member & Non-member Event

Annual Picnic (Members Only Event)
Sunday, July 28, 2024 @ 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve, West Shelter

Wheaton, IL 60189

$7 per adult, 12 & under free

CAREIA Monthly General Meeting

Monday, August 12, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
Networking starts at 6:45 p.m.
Hyatt of Lisle • 1400 Corporetum Drive, Lisle

President: Pete Gordon

Vice President: Steven Bell

Secretary: Rob Hayes

Treasurer: Vanessa Krynen

Librarian: Dwayne Denzinger

Programing: Jillyan MacMorris

Vendor: Vacant

Newsletter: Belinda Moore

Publicity: Vacant

Membership: Danny Galvez

Tech Support: Keith Jablonowski


Our mission

To support and
promote local real estate investors
though networking, education, support, leadership on
legislative issues,
and promoting professionalism
and standards of excellence in the
real estate
investing industry.



Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”

- Jim Rohn


Library Book of the Month

Buy It, Fix It, Sell It...Profit! 

Kevin Myers

In Buy It, Fix It, Sell It...Profit!, real estate investor and rehabbing expert Kevin Myers presents all-new insights on how to create a quick turnaround in your investments by renovating properties for profit. Beginning and experienced real estate investors will benefit from the new and improved real estate rehabbing techniques to develop a high-profit, low-overhead business. This expanded edition discusses property inspection, tax issues, funding projects, and maximizing profits. Buy It, Fix It, Sell It...Profit! is a hands-on guide sprinkled with inspirational stories for those who want to create a financially secure future. Judged to be among the top 10 real estate investment books by Wall Street Journal Online.

    Did you Know?

    We have: Books, CD's, and even Movies!

    Have you ever wanted to read a book or listen to a course but didn't want
    to spend the money knowing if it was what you really wanted?

    Well, that's what our Library is here for. It's for you to read, listen or even watch some great things on real estate without having to dish out the bucks!

    Sometimes you will find you may want to purchase the book or program after you borrow it. Great, but aren't you glad you didn't pay for all the ones that just weren't right for you?

    To check out materials:

    • Only members can borrow materials
    • Review inventory here:
    • Fill out CAREIA Library request form
    • Receive materials at the next General Meeting
    • Materials are due back in one month
    • Note. If materials are not returned, member is responsible for paying cost of materials for replacement.

    Cost Segragation Services

    Mark Gross

    (630) 329-9801

    Evergreen Real Estate


    First American Bank

    Danny Galvez


    Geneva Financial

    Marson Maynor

    (847) 702-5335

    Platinum Partners Realtors

    Rob Hayes


    Straight Up Chicago Investor Podcast

    Mark Ainley

    The Investor Funding Network

    Antonio Hernandez

    White Glove Building Inspections, Inc.

    Carol Fisher


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